Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Welcome to Sagada Philippines.

Its 9 pm at Trinoma... that was the scheduled meetup. I was expecting my bubbly friends Aisa, Clint, Kamil and Paul. Together with my mom and two other new friends Eric and Corie, we started our adventure to Sagada. It was a long way trip (9 hour drive) from 9pm to 6 am (Nov 27, 2010). Tired and exhausted, but it seems like we dont care at all. The ambiance and the cold Sagada air makes us feel relaxed and excited for the day's adventure.

Our first day itinerary comes with our trip to Banaue Rice Terraces (the one in our One Thousand Peso bill [Php1000])

I had lots of fun with all the giggles and laughters we shared especially when they were teasing Corie and comparing her with the duck. Corie is flat-footed so they made fun of her during the trip. I was astonished to see that i was with people who are fun to be with and they were not so sensitive about shallow things. These are the kind of people that are good to be with during adventure trips like this.

Whenever I am stressed with work and with life, I used to watch this video clip Clint made while Corie was walking. This happened during our trekking in Banaue.

I really love this video.

We had these wonderful shots at the spot of Banaue Rice Terraces. Take a look at our exciting pictures.

Hello Mr Carabao Man:

Farmville style:

Below is a picture of a man named Clint. Since he wanted me to run after him, this is what happened. Luckily, no accident happened during this shot.

Below is a picture of a young Queen in Banaue. They say that tourist all over the world come up here and ask her for a picture since she was very pretty Queen.

With the Princess, the King, the tourist and the Queen of Banaue. They all look good and hot right? Now how cold is Banaue?

Oh, my King is a little bit angry right now.. Calm down sweetheart.

Yes my queen i will. Banaue is a good place to live in. Lets go and relax.

Anyways, that was just a cosplay we got in there. 

Tired? Oh no, we are still going to take another 3 hour drive to Sagada.  

That was the end of our Day1. 

Early in the morning of Nov 28,2010, we prepared for our trip to Echo Valley.

First stop was in St Mary's Church:

Then we started walking to Echo Valley.

Here we are at the top of the mountain shouting out loud our names and the mountain will echo them back at us. I shouted "Im so pretty!!!" but i did not get any replies..maybe i did not shout loud enough right?

Below are the picture of the Hanging Coffins... there are at least 20 coffins in there.. freaky.. in case that those mummies ever tried to wake up from the dead.. will they die again if they fall on the ground since they were hanging up there?

(take a closer look at the hanging coffins)

Wow, look at these shot...feels like it was a twilight shot with some werewolves and vampires. Can you tell which is which?

Lets shout! Echo Echo (paulit-ulit)


Guys lets count and check if somebody is missing.
1. Clint 2. Corie 3. Aisa 4. April 5. Mommy 6. Eric 7. Paul 8. Kamil (cameraman)

Alright we are still complete.

Yehey! So that was the Echo Valley trip (Echo-Echo). Aisa used to tell us "paulit-ulit" and since we are social climbers we converted that one to "Echo-Echo" for fun.

This was not the end of our Day 2 yet. We are now heading to Bomod-ok Falls and girls were so excited here to see and witness Jacob's Transformation a.k.a Eric. Well, i call him Jacob since he look so much like him and ofcourse with the abs and that hot body he got in there.

On our way to Bomod-ok falls.

Pretty Woman walking down the street (singing)

Bomod-ok falls! The water is cold and the air is cold too. I like it here since i can swim without worrying that i'll get tanned.

And off he(Eric) go flaunting that awesome body like Jacob... now i doubt if the water and the air here is still cold... i think its kind of warm already.. hot sauna? He should be very happy with that kind of body he possess. With all those hard works in the gym, it really pays off.


That was fun in there but we need to go up already for our Sumaguing Cave trip. All are so excited since its the highlight of our Sagada Trip...

Welcome to Sumaguing Cave!

To the bat cave! 

It was really hard to go to the bottom of the cave since it is very slippery.. i almost slip and got into an accident.. Good thing i was saved by Clint.. and i was able to reach the "bottom" of the cave.

We enjoyed it here inside the cave... the struggle of the slippery and tiring experience while we are going down the cave.. its all worth it. 

Its my first time to do rapelling. I was excited and its an awesome experience. Of course i really enjoyed this kind of activities... I even got a cool pose here.

Okay here is the fun part... the Porn cave. Look at our naughty faces here..

Here is the Prince...

I was able to touch the prince... its cold though so i guess that is why its shrinked..
This one is huge... its the King size..
And here is the queen... just the same size as that of the King so they complement with each other... i look like some kind of contraceptive here with that bonnet i had on. :P

So much for the naughty stuffs... you may see below we are with a big alligator...
and it almost eat me... good thing im still alive!

Familiar? Below is a Banaue Rice Terraces and the giants. 

I like my shot here... very tamed just like puss in boots in Shrek movie.

And that was it... we have done some more shots before we go back up to the world..

I'll end my blog with... thank you to all of my new friends here and they are very kind and true to me. I wish for another trip like this with them and im looking forward to it by next year. And for my Sagada trip.. over all its fun, cold and exciting... o by the way... unfortunately due to some stupid moves ive done here.. i got a burn from the lamp inside the cave while i was protecting my camera from being washed out... so i think that will leave a scar (hope not) but in case it did... of course i will use petroleum jelly to erase it :P i dont want scar for a remembrance :P not that kind of tattoo :P


  1. "I was astonished to see that i am with people who are fun to be with and they were not so sensitive about shallow things. This are the kind of people that are good to be with during adventure trips like this." - kaka touch naman parang totoo hihihi

  2. @clint: its true :) i dont write false informations :) i really do appreciate people that are happy and jolly/bubbly like me :) so whens gonna be our next trip :)
